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Service Under Pressure

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Few things cause changes as rapidly as crises. For the
most part in our lives, things start down a path we
maintain a certain sense of inertia. This is often true of
business relationships, partnerships, customers, vendors
in that they tend to stay unchanged until certain
inflection points.
I think we can all agree that COVID pandemic has been
more than an inflection point for most communities.
With the upheaval comes along equal parts risk and
opportunity. One of the most important factors for how
much risk you face or opportunity you capture will be
how you respond to the pressures you face.

People remember few things better than how
somewhat treats or serves them when they find
themselves in need. Nothing breaks apart a relationship
faster than when we fail to deliver or respond when our
fellow customer or partner needs a hand. Few things
cement a relationship better than going above and
beyond to bring value or support to your customer.

I guarantee that there will be new opportunities with
customers for every company out there. With the boom
in used vehicles sales, shortage of OEM parts, dealership
layoffs and reduction in accidents and inventory, the
status quo will be unlikely to survive. This means you
will have opportunities with customers that might have
had you lower on their list and also your competition
will be likely to get more cracks at your best customer
than before.

This is the perfect time to zero in on the customer
service mentality of your company. Strive to be at your
best and as responsive as you can be when problems
arise. More than ever I am grateful for valuable
employees. People who step up. People who show up.
People who solve problems and look for solutions. How
we treat our employees during this time of uncertainty
and difficulty will have a direct impact on how they treat
our customers and the consistency of the product that
we produce.

Are we giving our employees a sense of purpose? Do we
give them a clear directive? When we ask our employees
for flexibility in expanding job requirements and
changing procedures, do we also demonstrate flexibility

Your company and your marketplace are undergoing
a leadership test at this very moment. Are you frozen
or distracted by the challenges of the day? Are you
pending time on things you can’t control? Or are you
answering the bell and refining yourself to achieve the
best results you can?

One of my favorite things in sales is that it is crystal clear
what your objective is as soon as you answer that call:
HELP YOUR CUSTOMER! Listen to what they need. Ask
questions to clarify value. Provide them with a solution
that meets those needs. What a blessing it is to be of
service to our customers and our community during
such tumultuous times. What a blessing it is to serve
alongside our employees and provide them with jobs to
sustain and care for their families.

Every job that a family depends on is essential. Every
vehicle on the road and the lives they carry matter. Every
repair, every part, every employee matters. These are
simple truths that often go unnoticed when everything
is going well.

By staying locked in on our focus to serve our costumes,
to meet their needs and exceed their expectations, we
have an opportunity to rise above the competition and
deliver when many are failing. If you can deliver for
your employees during a time of crisis, what can’t your
company accomplish? Likewise, if you can deliver for
your customers during a time of crisis, when can’t you

Be relentless in your commitment to delivering on your
promises. Be responsive and proactive when something
goes wrong. Be a source of confidence and reliability
during a time of crises. Make your mark on your
company, your employees, and your customers.